Oh, I've just remembered some other ways that knights can annihilate rooks... (and more powerful piecess if the opponent's not careful)
A neat fork from Scholar's Mate
If black doesn't fall for Scholar's Mate, white may get a little surprise if he's not careful...
First click the image on the right to view an animation where black successfully stops two Scholar's Mate attempts by white. If you think you know it all already, then move on...
Right OK - now white plays 5.g4?. How CRUEL of him - if black's not careful and does not stop white's next move, 6.g5, then black will have to sacrifice his knight because if he moves it, white will play 7.Qxf7#. Any ideas what black should do? (P.S. Try to think why there's a question mark after the move)
Ooh, I have an idea...
How ABOUT...
5...Nd4! Excellent move! Black threatens to TAKE the pawn on c2 and kill the white rook afterwards. White must stop this massive threat by, perhaps moving his queen back home to d1, whereupon one of white pawns on e4 or g4 will be gobbled up by the black knight on f6. Now, this knight fork threat reminds me of another danger that rooks can face...
Trapped By Friends - An Epic Betrayal
How do you like this little diagram demonstration? ALWAYS be aware that knights don't HAVE to FORK the king and rook to get their booty... This is a bit like Smothered Mate! Always watch out for these attacks!
Have I missed something out in this blog post? Please comment to tell me. Thank you so much!
Ooh, I have an idea...
How ABOUT...
5...Nd4! Excellent move! Black threatens to TAKE the pawn on c2 and kill the white rook afterwards. White must stop this massive threat by, perhaps moving his queen back home to d1, whereupon one of white pawns on e4 or g4 will be gobbled up by the black knight on f6. Now, this knight fork threat reminds me of another danger that rooks can face...
Trapped By Friends - An Epic Betrayal
How do you like this little diagram demonstration? ALWAYS be aware that knights don't HAVE to FORK the king and rook to get their booty... This is a bit like Smothered Mate! Always watch out for these attacks!
Have I missed something out in this blog post? Please comment to tell me. Thank you so much!
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