Scholar's Mate from Philidor's Defence, from a game I played ages ago (I was white by the way ;))
Play these moves on the chessboard above:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 d6
Philidor's Defence opening
3. Bc4 Bg4
PINNING the knight
4. h3 Bh5
5. g4 Bg6
6. h4 Bxe4
7. d3
I sacrificed a pawn to try and get my opponent to exchange...
He did!
8. Qxf3 Nf6??
He blocked mate, but that knight is now dead.
9. g5!
If the knight moves I will deliver mate!
His worst blunder that will cost him the game.
10. Qxf7#
Yeah... I know that it was risky sacrificing the pawn to try to entice my opponent to start exchanging... and there so many ways he could have prevented mate, so... not a very good example... but it just shows what you get for being a bit greedy. I would not recommend doing something like this against a careful player, and as in a chess match you should almost always assume best play... DON'T do this!
hi funchessblog if i we're u i wouldnt hav sacrifised the pawn... dont do it unless the personn your playin isnt very goood